Semaya Darmajaya Jet is a fast and luxurious boat designed to provide maximum comfort and speed. Made from high-quality aluminum, this boat is not only strong and durable but also elegant and modern. The boat offers two seating options to suit passenger needs and preferences. The VIP class provides a more exclusive travel experience with extra comfort and premium service, while the Regular class offers optimal comfort for passengers. Powered by advanced water jet engines, Semaya Darmajaya Jet can shorten travel time, allowing you to save time and reach your destination quickly. The boat departs from Padang Bai harbor on the eastern part of Bali, a strategic location that provides easy access to three exotic destinations: Gili Trawangan, Gili Air, and Bangsal in Lombok.

Gili Trawangan With a travel time of only 1.5 hours from Padang Bai, you will reach Gili Trawangan, the largest and most popular of the three Gili islands. Gili Trawangan is famous for its stunning white sandy beaches, crystal-clear waters, and vibrant nightlife. Here, you can enjoy various exciting activities such as snorkeling, diving, cycling, or simply relaxing on the beach. The island is free from motor vehicles, allowing you to enjoy a peaceful and pollution-free environment.

Gili Air Approximately 2 hours from Padang Bai, Gili Air offers a quieter and more family-friendly atmosphere. This island is perfect for enjoying spectacular sea views and beautiful coral reefs for snorkeling. The atmosphere on Gili Air is more relaxed compared to Gili Trawangan, making it ideal for those seeking tranquility and peace. Here, you can stroll along the beach, enjoy fresh seafood at local restaurants, and interact with friendly locals.

Bangsal (Lombok) With a travel time of about 2.5 hours from Padang Bai, you will arrive at Bangsal, a small harbor that serves as the main gateway to the three Gili islands. Located on the northwest coast of Lombok, Bangsal is the departure and arrival point for boats connecting these islands to Lombok. From Bangsal, you can explore the natural beauty and cultural richness of Lombok, such as exotic beaches, stunning waterfalls, and traditional villages rich in culture.

Specifications of Semaya Darmajaya Jet

  • Length: 37 meters
  • Capacity: 300 passengers
  • Engine Power: New water jet engines
  • Engine Type: MTU Rolls Royce
  • Horsepower: 4800 Horsepower
  • Comfortable Seating: Offers maximum comfort for passengers.
  • Fire Extinguishers: Equipped for safety in emergencies.
  • Clean Toilets: Well-maintained facilities for passenger convenience.

Routes & Schedule of Semaya Darmajaya Jet

  • Departures from Padang Bai
  • Departures from Gili Trawangan
  • Departures from Gili Air
  • Departures from Bangsal (Lombok)

Route: Padang Bai – Gili Trawangan – Gili Air – Bangsal – Padang Bai

Check schedule, Availability, Price, and Book Now

Even if our online system indicates full capacity, we often have seats available for last-minute bookings. For up-to-the-minute information, please click on our floating WhatsApp button to speak directly with us.

By choosing Semaya Darmajaya Jet, your journey to Gili Trawangan, Gili Air, or Bangsal in Lombok will become easier and more enjoyable. Plan your trip now and experience the comfort and speed that Semaya Darmajaya Jet offers. In addition to providing fast boat tickets, Semaya Darmajaya Jet also offers pick-up services from your hotel to the harbor or vice versa. This pick-up service uses private cars for maximum comfort, with an additional fee based on your hotel’s location. This way, you don’t have to worry about arranging additional transportation and can focus on enjoying your vacation. Enjoy every moment of your journey with our best services. Semaya Darmajaya Jet is committed to providing a safe, comfortable, and fast travel experience, allowing you to enjoy the beautiful destinations of Gili Trawangan, Gili Air, and Bangsal in Lombok without any worries. Book your tickets now and experience the excellence we offer.

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